


Waking up from your tent to the sound of birds, hearing the rapid churning and enjoying a full day of fly fishing in the waters of Finland might sound like a romanticized story, but for anglers traveling to the countless waters of north, that’s just reality. Lakes, rivers and rapids have great trout, grayling, and perch among many other fish, and the beauty of nature is like medicine for a nature-lover. Anglers all around the world have travelled to Finland on a DIY trip to get an authentic and peaceful outdoors experience, and for those moments of bliss when you catch a fish! It is not uncommon to travel during the summertime not only for fishing, but also to experience the magical nightless night in the pure nature.


A successful trip suggestion includes the rapids of Lentuankoski in Kuhmo, the renowned fishing in Änättikoski and the beloved clear waters of national park Hossa couple hours towards the north. Whether you’re a fly fishing enthusiast or any other type of lure fishing, you’ll most likely love these waters as much as everyone else who’s seen these beauties.


Finding trout where the rapids thunder and wolves howl

The first stop of the trip is Lentuankoski campsite in Kuhmo. It is a calm spot to sleep in a tent, cottage or caravan car and enjoy the surrounding nature. Lakes and fishing spots are within a walking distance, and you’ll get to play the pride of the Lake Lentuanjärvi: the large brown trout. Another option if you want to camp in the total wilderness you can set your tent in the forest of the west bank of Lentuankoski Rapid. Note, there is no road right to the river on the west bank, so prepare to walk 1-2 km from the road.

Once you’re here, you don’t want to miss out the white-water fishing in the famous rapids between lakes: Iso Lentuankoski rapid and Pieni Lentuankoski rapid. Iso Lentuankoski is a popular fishing spot, as that’s where trout and grayling gather to feed. The swirling waters are not easy to fish, but catching the active trout is a great prize. The biggest trout are found at the end of the rapid, in Välisuvanto, as they gather there to wait for the next meal. Then again, Pieni Lentuankoski rapid offers even more variety with the numerous holds and eddies for fish to hide.


Fishing in Änättikoski

After getting used to the white-water fishing in Kuhmo area, it is a good idea to continue the trip further up. On the way towards Hossa there’s something that demands for stopping. Änättikoski Rapid is a steep rapid that runs through the forest and it is suitable also for easier fishing due the pier built for casting. The most coveted catch is definitely the brown trout that moves from the surrounding lakes into the stronger currents to feed. The amount of rocks and pockets in the rapid create a perfect spot for the fish to hide. A common catch is also grayling that hides in the deep holes. Grayling is quite often caught with caddis larvae (sedge) imitations of flies. In general, the best fishing equipment or the area are either light spinning rods or fly-fishing rods.

You can either set up your tent by the rapid, or stay in the idyllic Lentiira Holiday Village, where you’ll get fishing tips, equipment and licenses if needed.



The final destination of this trip suggestion is the well-known national park, Hossa. Being one of the most sparsely populated areas in Europe, the tranquillity and authentic nature are guaranteed. This pearl is known to be a fisherman’s paradise, as trout, rainbow trout, grayling, perch and pike flourish in the clear-watered lakes and rapids of the area. The best part is the variety of fishing opportunities, since the park provides numerous lakes, rivers, and rapids surrounded by untouched nature.

You can use the camping sites to set up your tent. For example, the Jatkonjärvi Tent Area is a nice option by a lake, and it’s free of charge. If you want to hike and fish in the national park you can also set your tent by the lake or river on most of the campfire sites in the wilderness. There are plenty of marked hiking routes around the waters.

Another camping or cottage accommodation option is Hossa Visitor Centre. You can also enjoy a delightful opportunity of free wilderness huts! There are five wilderness huts in the national park, and their purpose is to offer a free 1-2 nights’ accommodation or a resting spot for adventurers. Reservations can’t be made, and they’re not for large groups – the huts are free, open and are based on trust and goodwill. The rules of the huts include e.g. being considerate towards other visitors, cleaning all the traces after visiting and chopping the wood ready for the next visitors.

One of the best fishing spots in the area are the river called Hossanjoki and the fairly big lake called Pitkä-Hoilua. A part of Hossajoki River is reserved exclusively for fly fishers, stocked trout and naturally reproducing grayling being the most common catches. It’s not impossible to get a large lake-run trout if you’re prepared with suitable equipment!


Everyman’s right allows you to enjoy nature

When it comes to spending time in nature, setting up a tent or picking up some berries and mushrooms in Finland, it’s good to know about the legal concept known as everyman’s rightwhich allows people to enjoy the Finnish nature. Within the right and freedom comes the responsibility, and it is good to familiarize yourself with the rules of everyman’s right beforehand. The rules exist to preserve the nature and respect the area, people and property. Remember to make sure of the area specific regulations before entering national parks.


How to get there?

The nearest airports are in Kajaani and Oulu. It is vital to rent a car to access these destinations. A nice route is to drive from Kajaani to Kuhmo (less than 1.5 hours) and after the first stop in Lentuankoski to continue towards Änättikoski via roads number 912 (towards Lentiira). When you’re done with the fishing in Änättikoski, head to the national park Hossa via road number 912 and turn to the road 843 to Hossa.

A nice surprise along the way will be the northern Finland’s horned residents, as you are quite likely to spot some reindeer herds wandering around the streets and forests. Don’t worry, they’ll mind their own business – just remember to be aware on the road. If you want to make sure to spot raindeers, check out the Hossa Reindeer Park.

On the way from Änättikoski Rapid to Hossa a nice place to stop for some coffee and a history lesson is Winter War Museum Raatteenportti.


In Kuhmo and Hossa, you can even get a glimpse of wild animals, such as bear, wolf and wolverine – or at least hear the wolves howl! Read more about wildlife watching and other activities from website.


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